FAMILIES: Applications of Social Learning to Family Life
Families describes effective child management strategies and concepts that can be utilized by parents and family therapists. The first half of Families examines reinforcement concepts and describes how to use contracts and time out to change behavior. The second half of the book shows parents how to apply social learning principles to reduce the occurrence of common behavior problems such as teasing and temper tantrums. Suggestions are included for dealing with more serious problems such as aggression and stealing. Families is appropriate for parents of children ages 3 to 10 years old. (Publisher: Research Press, Champaign, IL. Date: Revised edition, 1975.)
LIVING WITH CHILDREN, New Methods for Parents and Teachers
This straightforward book uses a programmed format to explain how children learn behavior and how they actually change the behavior of their parents and other family members. It is written for parents and teachers who have little or no background in social learning theory. Living with Children shows how to encourage desirable behaviors in children while gradually eliminating problem behaviors such as whining and noncompliance. Living with Children is appropriate for parents with children 2 to 8 years old. (Publisher: Research Press, Champaign, IL. Date: Revised edition, 1976.)
By Gerald R. Patterson, Ph.D.; Marion S. Forgatch, Ph.D.
This book introduces key social learning concepts and discusses the issues involved in raising well-adjusted teenagers. A proven step-by-step approach is presented to both reduce conflict and build stronger ties between parents and teens. Part 1: The Basics covers such topics as encouraging cooperation, monitoring activities, building self-esteem, and effective discipline practices. Parents and Adolescents gives parents the tools they need to keep their children on track through the teenage years. This book was written for parents of teens. (Publisher: Research Press, Champaign, IL. Date: 2nd edition, 2005.)
By Marion S. Forgatch, Ph.D.; Gerald R. Patterson, Ph.D.
Family Problem Solving builds on the concepts presented in The Basics. The focus of Family Problem Solving is on helping family members learn to work together to resolve daily hassles and serious problems without getting angry. Topics covered in the book include improving communication and negotiation skills, family meetings, brainstorming and evaluating solutions to problems, and how to handle sensitive situations. The book helps parents teach their teens to be responsible about schoolwork, drugs and alcohol, and sexual behavior. This book was written for parents of teens. (Publisher: Research Press, Champaign, IL. Date: 2nd edition, 2005.)
PREVENTIVE PARENTING with Love, Encouragement, and Limits: The Preschool Years
By Tom Dishion, Ph.D.; Scot Patterson
This book offers sensible solutions to everyday problems such as not minding, whining, and temper tantrums. It explains how parents can prevent misbehavior by supporting children’s positive efforts and good behavior. This book was designed for parents with toddlers and young children. (Publisher: Castalia Publishing Company, Eugene, OR. Date: 1996).
Video Tapes
By Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.
Effective foster and adoptive parenting demands experience and practice. This video presents ten realistic situations that many foster and adoptive parents face. Vignettes dramatize typical behavior problems, such as anger, stealing, bad manners, and inappropriate sexual behavior. Trainers have the opportunity to pause the tape and discuss each situation. (Publisher: Northwest Media, Eugene, OR. Date: 1990)
GROWING OPPORTUNITIES, A Social Learning Approach
By Kathryn Kavanagh, Ph.D.; Janice Frey; Dianna Larsen
This video-based family enrichment course is a preventive program for parents facing the normal challenges of raising children. Two different versions are available: one for parents of preschool children (ages 2-5) and another for parents of school-age children (ages 6-10). The basic skill areas presented in each tape are the same, with relevant age-appropriate techniques highlighted. Examples of parent-child interactions are used throughout the tapes. The course covers three broad sets of parenting skills: Confidence Building, Limit Setting, and Problem Solving. (Publisher: Northwest Family & School Consultants and Northwest Media, Eugene, OR. Date: 1991. Tapes are available from Northwest Media)
By Caesar Pacifici, Ph.D.; Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.; Lee White
Whether you are raising foster, adopted or birth children, this parenting approach will give you the tools and the techniques to help change a child’s undesirable, problem behavior. The practical handbook describes in detail what you need to know; the DVD offers the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned. This curriculum helps foster, adoptive, step or birth parents: 1) Discover how disruptive behavior can be changed, whatever a child’s age; 2) Recognize “acting out” and “hidden” behaviors and know how to respond to both; 3) Understand the nature of positive, effective discipline and how to apply it using encouragement, behavior contracts, time out, setting limits and removing privileges; 4) Practice using these tools by working with a DVD portraying realistic family situations; 5) Know when to call for help and where to get help; 6) Experience cooperation in the home — and enjoy being parents. (Publisher: Northwest Media, Eugene, OR. Date: 2002)
Many students have trouble developing the necessary organizational skills and self-discipline required to successfully complete homework assignments. Study Skills for Success is designed to engage the student and his or her parents and teachers in a cooperative effort to get the student back on track in school. The program is appropriate for use with children in fifth grade through high school. (Publisher: Northwest Family & School Consultants and Northwest Media, Eugene, OR. Date: 1991. Tapes are available from Northwest Media)
By Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.
This book details the Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) program, designed for youths with a history of chronic delinquency who are at risk for placement in state training schools. In the program, a youth is placed with two trained and supervised foster parents for 6 to 12 months, and the youth’s parents participate in family therapy. Toward the end of the child’s stay in foster care, the youth and his or her parents participate in family therapy together. To date, outcome data indicate the program is an extremely promising intervention for this clinical population. (Publisher: Northwest Media Phone, (800)777-6636. Date:1994)
A Social Learning Approach, Volume 1: FAMILIES WITH AGGRESSIVE CHILDREN
By Gerald R. Patterson, Ph.D.; John Reid, Ph.D.; Richard Jones, Ph.D.; Robert Conger, Ph.D.
This manual describes a research-based treatment program for children with conduct problems. Step-by-step guidelines are presented for conducting therapy sessions and teaching parents effective family management skills. Families with Aggressive Children provides a useful perspective on family intervention strategies. (Publisher: Castalia Publishing Company, Eugene, OR. Date: 1975)
AGGRESSIVE AND DEFIANT BEHAVIOR: The Latest Assessment and Treatment Strategies for the Conduct Disorders (2nd Edition)
This book reviews the scientific literature on the conduct disorders and presents the information in an easy-to-access manner. The development, prevalence, and prognosis for the conduct disorders are discussed, as are the most scientifically-sound methods for assessing problem behaviors. “Best practices” treatment methods are detailed, and available treatment outcome data is discussed. The final chapter reviews medications that are sometimes used to control acting-out behaviors, including the stimulants. (Publisher: Compact Clinicals, Kansas City, MO. Date: 2001).
ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN SCHOOLS: Strategies and Best Practices
By Hill M. Walker, Ph.D.; Geoff Colvin, Ph.D.; Elizabeth Ramsey, Ph.D.
This book reviews practical strategies for preventing and remediating antisocial behavior in the school setting. Strategies are presented to: design an optimally effective classroom environment; establish a schoolwide discipline plan; manage teacher-student interactions effectively; conduct social skills training for entire classrooms of students; involve parents; identify students at risk for developing antisocial behavior patterns; develop a pull-out intensive social skills instruction program which includes “normal” peers; prevent escalated hostile teacher-student confrontations; and improve the antisocial student’s social interactions, peer relations, and ability to abide by playground rules. Suggestions are realistic and do not underplay the difficulty or time that must be invested to make the interventions work. Case studies are included. (Publisher: Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA. Date: 1995)
By Hill M. Walker, Ph.D.; Hyman Hops, Ph.D.; Charles R. Greenwood, Ph.D.
The four intervention packages in the SUCCESS series have been researched extensively, and the programs are quite successful in reducing negative child behaviors in the school setting. CLASS (Contingencies for Learning Academic and Social Skills) is a classroom management program for elementary students with acting-out behavior. RECESS (Reprogramming Environmental Contingencies for Effective Social Skills) is a program that targets child “bullying” behavior on the playground. PEERS (Procedures for Establishing Effective Relationship Skills) is a program that targets elementary students with socially withdrawn behavior. Finally, PASS (Program for Academic Survival Skills) is a behavior management system for disruptive elementary classrooms. (Publisher: Educational Achievement Systems, Inc., Seattle, WA. Date: Originally developed in the 1970’s.)
THE ACTING OUT CHILD: Coping With Classroom Disruption
By Hill M. Walker, Ph.D.
This book is a synthesis of decades of practical and theoretical knowledge about students who disrupt the school environment. The book offers teachers strategies for managing and remediating disruptive behavior. Specifically, this reference defines acting-out behavior in the school setting, describes in detail effective techniques for handling these behaviors, and illustrates practical interventions for teachers, counselors, consultants, and other education professionals. (Publisher: Sopris West, Longmont, CO. Date: 1995)
By Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.
Treating Chronic Juvenile Offenders presents several promising methods for treating chronic juvenile offenders proven to be effective in reducing juvenile crime. The book features the Oregon Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care Program, which has emerged as an intervention model for chronic juvenile offenders who are already placed out of the home, typically incarcerated in residential treatment facilities. Dr. Chamberlain presents and discusses factors that are known to influence the onset and escalation of antisocial behavior along with their implications for the design and implementation of community-based programs. Dr. Chamberlain also describes variations of the Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care Program for specific populations such as girls and young children with behavioral disorders. Throughout the book, the author draws on the rich history of research on the development and treatment of antisocial behavior in children and adolescents that has paved the way for the articulation of intervention models aimed at working with some of societies most troublesome youngsters. (Publisher: American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Date: 2003).
By Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.
This book details the Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care (MTFC) program, designed for youths with a history of chronic delinquency who are at risk for placement in state training schools. In the program, a youth is placed with two trained and supervised foster parents for 6 to 12 months, and the youth’s parents participate in family therapy. Toward the end of the child’s stay in foster care, the youth and his or her parents participate in family therapy together. To date, outcome data indicate the program is an extremely promising intervention for this clinical population. (Publisher: Northwest Media Phone, (800)777-6636. Date:1994)
A Social Learning Approach, Volume 1: FAMILIES WITH AGGRESSIVE CHILDREN
By Gerald R. Patterson, Ph.D.; John Reid, Ph.D.; Richard Jones, Ph.D.; Robert Conger, Ph.D.
This manual describes a research-based treatment program for children with conduct problems. Step-by-step guidelines are presented for conducting therapy sessions and teaching parents effective family management skills. Families with Aggressive Children provides a useful perspective on family intervention strategies. (Publisher: Castalia Publishing Company, Eugene, OR. Date: 1975)
AGGRESSIVE AND DEFIANT BEHAVIOR: The Latest Assessment and Treatment Strategies for the Conduct Disorders (2nd Edition)
This book reviews the scientific literature on the conduct disorders and presents the information in an easy-to-access manner. The development, prevalence, and prognosis for the conduct disorders are discussed, as are the most scientifically-sound methods for assessing problem behaviors. “Best practices” treatment methods are detailed, and available treatment outcome data is discussed. The final chapter reviews medications that are sometimes used to control acting-out behaviors, including the stimulants. (Publisher: Compact Clinicals, Kansas City, MO. Date: 2001).
ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN SCHOOLS: Strategies and Best Practices
By Hill M. Walker, Ph.D.; Geoff Colvin, Ph.D.; Elizabeth Ramsey, Ph.D.
This book reviews practical strategies for preventing and remediating antisocial behavior in the school setting. Strategies are presented to: design an optimally effective classroom environment; establish a schoolwide discipline plan; manage teacher-student interactions effectively; conduct social skills training for entire classrooms of students; involve parents; identify students at risk for developing antisocial behavior patterns; develop a pull-out intensive social skills instruction program which includes “normal” peers; prevent escalated hostile teacher-student confrontations; and improve the antisocial student’s social interactions, peer relations, and ability to abide by playground rules. Suggestions are realistic and do not underplay the difficulty or time that must be invested to make the interventions work. Case studies are included. (Publisher: Brooks/Cole, Pacific Grove, CA. Date: 1995)
By Hill M. Walker, Ph.D.; Hyman Hops, Ph.D.; Charles R. Greenwood, Ph.D.
The four intervention packages in the SUCCESS series have been researched extensively, and the programs are quite successful in reducing negative child behaviors in the school setting. CLASS (Contingencies for Learning Academic and Social Skills) is a classroom management program for elementary students with acting-out behavior. RECESS (Reprogramming Environmental Contingencies for Effective Social Skills) is a program that targets child “bullying” behavior on the playground. PEERS (Procedures for Establishing Effective Relationship Skills) is a program that targets elementary students with socially withdrawn behavior. Finally, PASS (Program for Academic Survival Skills) is a behavior management system for disruptive elementary classrooms. (Publisher: Educational Achievement Systems, Inc., Seattle, WA. Date: Originally developed in the 1970’s.)
THE ACTING OUT CHILD: Coping With Classroom Disruption
By Hill M. Walker, Ph.D.
This book is a synthesis of decades of practical and theoretical knowledge about students who disrupt the school environment. The book offers teachers strategies for managing and remediating disruptive behavior. Specifically, this reference defines acting-out behavior in the school setting, describes in detail effective techniques for handling these behaviors, and illustrates practical interventions for teachers, counselors, consultants, and other education professionals. (Publisher: Sopris West, Longmont, CO. Date: 1995)
By Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.
Treating Chronic Juvenile Offenders presents several promising methods for treating chronic juvenile offenders proven to be effective in reducing juvenile crime. The book features the Oregon Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care Program, which has emerged as an intervention model for chronic juvenile offenders who are already placed out of the home, typically incarcerated in residential treatment facilities. Dr. Chamberlain presents and discusses factors that are known to influence the onset and escalation of antisocial behavior along with their implications for the design and implementation of community-based programs. Dr. Chamberlain also describes variations of the Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care Program for specific populations such as girls and young children with behavioral disorders. Throughout the book, the author draws on the rich history of research on the development and treatment of antisocial behavior in children and adolescents that has paved the way for the articulation of intervention models aimed at working with some of societies most troublesome youngsters. (Publisher: American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Date: 2003).
A Social Interactional Approach, Volume 4: ANTISOCIAL BOYS
By Gerald R. Patterson, Ph.D.; John Reid, Ph.D.; Tom Dishion, Ph.D.
Antisocial Boys advances the theory presented in Volume 3: Coercive Family Process. It describes the models of antisocial behavior and delinquency that have been developed by Dr. Patterson and colleagues based on the findings from their longitudinal study. Relevant studies of other investigators are also reviewed. The relationship among the variables that contribute to children’s antisocial behavior and delinquency are thoroughly examined, including peer rejection, parent behavior, social disadvantage, academic failure, and involvement in the deviant peer group. The theoretical formulation organizes these variables into a single meaningful pattern, and provides a solid empirical base for designing effective prevention programs and clinical intervention strategies for children and youth with severe conduct disorders. (Publisher: Castalia Publishing Company, Eugene, OR. Date: 1992)
A Social Learning Approach, Volume 2: OBSERVATION IN HOME SETTINGS
This book provides an in-depth look at the Family Interaction Coding System (FICS), a sophisticated assessment instrument used to record interactions between family members. This coding system enables researchers and family therapists to monitor clinical cases, systematically assess the outcome of family intervention programs, and build a data base for studying aggressive and out-of-control behaviors exhibited by children. (Publisher: Castalia Publishing Company, Eugene, OR. Date: 1978)
A Social Learning Approach, Volume 3: COERCIVE FAMILY PROCESS
This book systematically reviews the empirical data and clinical observations underlying Dr. Patterson’s widely acclaimed coercion theory. The theory is a performance model of aggressive and antisocial behavior in children, with profound implications for research and clinical intervention strategies. Coercion theory provides a conceptual framework for describing the processes that disrupt families and contribute to child adjustment problems. Also examined in detail is the role of aversive events as determinants of antisocial behavior. An important resource for practitioners, educators, and researchers who want to stay abreast of new developments in the field. (Publisher: Castalia Publishing Company, Eugene, OR. Date: 1982)
ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: A developmental analysis and model for intervention
By John Reid, Ph.D.; Gerald R. Patterson, Ph.D.; James J. Snyder, Ph.D.
Modern theories of child development say that, to understand aggressive behavior, we must look within the child. This volume says otherwise: to change aggressive behavior, we must change the environment in which the child lives. Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents discusses empirically proven approaches to reducing the occurrence and severity of antisocial behavior, beginning in the earliest years of childhood. Written for an audience of applied researchers, clinical practitioners, community activists, and policy makers, this edited volume summarizes ongoing work at the Oregon Social Learning Center. Using coercion theory as an organizing framework, the book distills over 30 years of thinking and research at OSLC. Antisocial behavior is seen as progressing from dysfunctional parent-toddler interactions to similar interactions with teachers, peers, and others in the child’s environment. The contributors make a powerful argument for an approach that pinpoints the antecedents of antisocial behavior all the way from toddlerhood through adolescence. This book will be of interest to anyone concerned about the quantifiable losses associated with behaviors such as violence and crime, incarceration, vocational failure, substance abuse, the use of emergency services, and irresponsible sexual conduct. (Publisher: American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Date: 2002)
A Social Interactional Approach, Volume 4: ANTISOCIAL BOYS
By Gerald R. Patterson, Ph.D.; John Reid, Ph.D.; Tom Dishion, Ph.D.
Antisocial Boys advances the theory presented in Volume 3: Coercive Family Process. It describes the models of antisocial behavior and delinquency that have been developed by Dr. Patterson and colleagues based on the findings from their longitudinal study. Relevant studies of other investigators are also reviewed. The relationship among the variables that contribute to children’s antisocial behavior and delinquency are thoroughly examined, including peer rejection, parent behavior, social disadvantage, academic failure, and involvement in the deviant peer group. The theoretical formulation organizes these variables into a single meaningful pattern, and provides a solid empirical base for designing effective prevention programs and clinical intervention strategies for children and youth with severe conduct disorders. (Publisher: Castalia Publishing Company, Eugene, OR. Date: 1992)
A Social Learning Approach, Volume 2: OBSERVATION IN HOME SETTINGS
This book provides an in-depth look at the Family Interaction Coding System (FICS), a sophisticated assessment instrument used to record interactions between family members. This coding system enables researchers and family therapists to monitor clinical cases, systematically assess the outcome of family intervention programs, and build a data base for studying aggressive and out-of-control behaviors exhibited by children. (Publisher: Castalia Publishing Company, Eugene, OR. Date: 1978)
A Social Learning Approach, Volume 3: COERCIVE FAMILY PROCESS
This book systematically reviews the empirical data and clinical observations underlying Dr. Patterson’s widely acclaimed coercion theory. The theory is a performance model of aggressive and antisocial behavior in children, with profound implications for research and clinical intervention strategies. Coercion theory provides a conceptual framework for describing the processes that disrupt families and contribute to child adjustment problems. Also examined in detail is the role of aversive events as determinants of antisocial behavior. An important resource for practitioners, educators, and researchers who want to stay abreast of new developments in the field. (Publisher: Castalia Publishing Company, Eugene, OR. Date: 1982)
ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS: A developmental analysis and model for intervention
By John Reid, Ph.D.; Gerald R. Patterson, Ph.D.; James J. Snyder, Ph.D.
Modern theories of child development say that, to understand aggressive behavior, we must look within the child. This volume says otherwise: to change aggressive behavior, we must change the environment in which the child lives. Antisocial Behavior in Children and Adolescents discusses empirically proven approaches to reducing the occurrence and severity of antisocial behavior, beginning in the earliest years of childhood. Written for an audience of applied researchers, clinical practitioners, community activists, and policy makers, this edited volume summarizes ongoing work at the Oregon Social Learning Center. Using coercion theory as an organizing framework, the book distills over 30 years of thinking and research at OSLC. Antisocial behavior is seen as progressing from dysfunctional parent-toddler interactions to similar interactions with teachers, peers, and others in the child’s environment. The contributors make a powerful argument for an approach that pinpoints the antecedents of antisocial behavior all the way from toddlerhood through adolescence. This book will be of interest to anyone concerned about the quantifiable losses associated with behaviors such as violence and crime, incarceration, vocational failure, substance abuse, the use of emergency services, and irresponsible sexual conduct. (Publisher: American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C. Date: 2002)
Video Tapes
By Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.
Effective foster and adoptive parenting demands experience and practice. This video presents ten realistic situations that many foster and adoptive parents face. Vignettes dramatize typical behavior problems, such as anger, stealing, bad manners, and inappropriate sexual behavior. Trainers have the opportunity to pause the tape and discuss each situation. (Publisher: Northwest Media, Eugene, OR. Date: 1990)
GROWING OPPORTUNITIES, A Social Learning Approach
By Kathryn Kavanagh, Ph.D.; Janice Frey; Dianna Larsen
This video-based family enrichment course is a preventive program for parents facing the normal challenges of raising children. Two different versions are available: one for parents of preschool children (ages 2-5) and another for parents of school-age children (ages 6-10). The basic skill areas presented in each tape are the same, with relevant age-appropriate techniques highlighted. Examples of parent-child interactions are used throughout the tapes. The course covers three broad sets of parenting skills: Confidence Building, Limit Setting, and Problem Solving. (Publisher: Northwest Family & School Consultants and Northwest Media, Eugene, OR. Date: 1991. Tapes are available from Northwest Media)
By Caesar Pacifici, Ph.D.; Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.; Lee White
Whether you are raising foster, adopted or birth children, this parenting approach will give you the tools and the techniques to help change a child’s undesirable, problem behavior. The practical handbook describes in detail what you need to know; the DVD offers the opportunity to practice what you’ve learned. This curriculum helps foster, adoptive, step or birth parents: 1) Discover how disruptive behavior can be changed, whatever a child’s age; 2) Recognize “acting out” and “hidden” behaviors and know how to respond to both; 3) Understand the nature of positive, effective discipline and how to apply it using encouragement, behavior contracts, time out, setting limits and removing privileges; 4) Practice using these tools by working with a DVD portraying realistic family situations; 5) Know when to call for help and where to get help; 6) Experience cooperation in the home — and enjoy being parents. (Publisher: Northwest Media, Eugene, OR. Date: 2002)
Many students have trouble developing the necessary organizational skills and self-discipline required to successfully complete homework assignments. Study Skills for Success is designed to engage the student and his or her parents and teachers in a cooperative effort to get the student back on track in school. The program is appropriate for use with children in fifth grade through high school. (Publisher: Northwest Family & School Consultants and Northwest Media, Eugene, OR. Date: 1991. Tapes are available from Northwest Media)