Participate in Research

Have you ever considered participating in a research project?

OSLC sometimes recruits children, adolescents, and parents to be part of the research studies.  Participation is strictly voluntary and is monitored by an independent Institutional Review Board. Look below to see if a research study may be right for you.

Currently Recruiting For These Projects

CM Project

The CM Project is actively recruiting families seeking substance use treatment for adolescents ages 12-18. Families receive 20-24 weeks of family based Contingency Management treatment at one of two Adolescent and Family Services clinic locations: OSLC or Centro Latino Americano. Treatment, in English or Spanish, is provided at no cost as part of the CM Project research study. For participating in the research interviews, families may earn up to $300 over a 12 month period.

For more information or to enroll, please call Adolescent and Family Services at 541-284-7560 or visit us at