Your gift supports the well-being of children and families and advances science.
(Read more about OSLC Developments, Inc.'s mission and relationship to OSLC here.)
Your donation can:
- fund a play group or transportation for children gaining school-readiness skills
- fund an early study that can lead to funding for a full study of an emerging issue
- support an early-career scientist as he or she builds a career in research
- help fund the reproduction and dissemination of tested interventions that result from research
Every gift makes a difference.
The commitment and generosity of our donors allow us to provide:
- cutting-edge interventions to the community right now
- information that informs and shapes public policy decisions, and
- training and skill building for practitioners and agencies.
There are numerous ways to make a donation to OSLC Developments, Inc. and help thousands of individuals throughout the nation. You can make a gift today in whatever amount and whichever way is most convenient to you.
Thank you for supporting our vital work!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are my gifts to OSLC, Developments, Inc. tax-deductible?
Yes. OSLC Developments, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization, and your gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
How will OSLC Developments, Inc. use my contributions?
Your contributions will support the general operations of OSLC Developments, Inc. and are especially important to help us provide fundraising and marketing support to the scientists and projects of the Oregon Social Learning Center.
Are OSLC Developments, Inc. and the Oregon Social Learning Center one and the same?
No, we are not. The Oregon Social Learning Center is a research facility that studies societal issues involving foster placement, immigration, juvenile justice, adoption, divorce, incarcerated parents, drug use and abuse, and more. OSLC Developments, Inc. provides fundraising support to OSLC in order to achieve private funding for products, interventions, and outcomes from studies.
How do I designate OSLC Developments, Inc. in my will?
OSLC Developments, Inc.’s staff can help you with the language needed to designate a bequest to OSLC Developments, Inc. in your will. To obtain more information about bequests, trusts, or other planned giving options, please contact us at (541) 485-2711 or send us an email.
Can I designate my gift to a specific program?
While we need to raise unrestricted funds for all of our programs, it is possible to restrict your gift to a particular projects or program. We are always happy to discuss with you other designated giving opportunities. Please contact us for further information about this option.
Does OSLC Developments, Inc. sell names of supporters?