Current Frequently Cited Research

Representative Publications

Jacqueline Bruce, Ph.D.
Bruce, J., Fisher, P. A., Pears, K. C., & Levine, S. (2009). Morning cortisol levels in preschool-aged foster children: Differential effects of maltreatment type. Developmental Psychobiology, 51, 14-23.

Rohanna Buchanan, Ph.D.
Buchanan, R., Nese, R. T., Palinkas, L. A., & Ruppert, T. (2015). Refining an intervention for students with emotional disturbance using qualitative parent and teacher data. Children and Youth Services Review, 58, 41-49.

Deborah Capaldi, Ph.D.
Capaldi, D. M., Tiberio, S. S., Kerr, D. C. R., & Pears, K. C. (2016). The relationships of parental alcohol versus tobacco and marijuana use with early adolescent onset of alcohol use. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 77, 95-103.

Patricia Chamberlain, Ph.D.
Chamberlain, P., Feldman, S. W., Wulczyn, F., Saldana, L., & Forgatch, M. (2016). Implementation and evaluation of linked parenting models in a large urban child welfare system. Child Abuse & Neglect, 53, 27-39.

Hyoun K. Kim, Ph.D.
Kim, H. K., Tiberio, S. S., Capaldi, D. M., Shortt, J. W., Squires, E. C., & Snodgrass, J. J. (2015). Intimate partner violence and diurnal cortisol patterns in couples. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 51, 35-46.

Michael R. McCart, Ph.D.
McCart, M. R., & Sheidow, A. J. (2016). Evidence-based psychosocial treatments for adolescents with disruptive behavior. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 45, 529-563.

Katherine C. Pears, Ph.D.
Pears, K. C., Kim, H. K., & Fisher, P. A. (2016). Decreasing risk factors for later alcohol use and antisocial behaviors in children in foster care by increasing early promotive factors. Children & Youth Services Review, 65, 156-165. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2016.04.005

Stacey S. Tiberio, Ph.D.
Tiberio, S. S., Capaldi, D. M., Kerr, D. C. R., Bertrand, M., Pears, K. C., & Owen, L. D. (2016). Parenting and the development of effortful control from early childhood to early adolescence: A transactional developmental model. Development and Psychopathology, 28, 837-853. doi:10.1017/S0954579416000341

Joann Wu Shortt, Ph.D.
Shortt, J. Wu., Capaldi, D. M., Kim, H. K., Kerr, D. C. R., Owen, L. D., & Feingold, A. (2012). Stability of intimate partner violence by men across 12 years in young adulthood: Effects of relationship transitions. Prevention Science, 13, 360-369.