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Primary Research and Clinical Interests
John Landsverk has a doctorate in sociology and is the founding director of the Child and Adolescent Services Research Center (CASRC) at Children’s Hospital in San Diego. In addition to his primary appointment as Senior Research Scientist at OSLC, he is a Senior Scholar at the Brown School of Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, and Senior Research Professor at the School of Social Work, University of Southern California. Dr. Landsverk has received numerous project and center grants from the NIMH and other federal agencies to conduct research primarily on mental health care for children and adolescents involved with child welfare.
These include his last NIMH funded advanced center with collaborators from the OSLC (Implementation Research Methods Group) focusing on the development of innovative research methods to conduct implementation research related to public child welfare and child mental health service systems, as well as an earlier NIMH funded Child and Adolescent Interdisciplinary Research Network (network of 25 researchers and service system managers from the disciplines of clinical and developmental psychology, anthropology, sociology, social work, health care economics, and pediatrics with a principal focus to improve mental health services for children involved with child welfare systems through the implementation of evidence-based interventions). Dr. Landsverk has published widely on findings from the national child welfare study, National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being (NSCAW), with support from his center funding and an NIMH funded R01 study, Caring for Children in Child Welfare. Recent publications include multiple chapters in two books based on NSCAW, Child Protection: Using Research to Improve Policy and Practice, published by Brookings, and Child Welfare and Child Well-Being: New Perspectives from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being, published by Oxford University Press, on which he was a co-editor. In addition, he is a co-author for Beyond Common Sense: Children Welfare, Child Well-Being, and the Evidence for Policy Reform, published in 2005. For nine years, Dr. Landsverk chaired the Braam Oversight Panel that provided technical assistance and monitoring oversight for a mediated settlement to a class action suit involving the child welfare and mental health systems in the State of Washington.
Recent Publications
Hoagwood, K., Atkins, M., Kelleher, K., Peth-Pierce, B., Olin, S., Burns, B., Landsverk, J., Horwitz, S. (2018). Trends in children’s mental health services research funding by the National Institute of Mental Health from 2005 to 2015: A 42% reduction. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 57(1), 10-13.
Brown, C. H., Curran, G., Palinkas, L. A., Aarons, G. A., Wells, K. B., Jones, L., Collins, L. M., Duan, N., Mittman, B. S., Wallace, A., Tabak, R. G., Ducharme, L., Chambers, D. A., Neta, G., Wiley, T., Landsverk, J., Cheung, K., & Cruden. G. (2017). An overview of research and evaluation designs for dissemination and implementation. Annual Review of Public Health, 38, 1–22.
Fowler, P. J., Marcal, K. E., Zhang, J., Day, O., & Landsverk, J. (2017). Homelessness and aging out of foster care: A national comparison of child welfare-involved adolescents. Children and Youth Services Review, 77, 27–33.
Landsverk, J., Brown, C. H., Chamberlain, P., Palinkas, L., Ogihara, M., Czaja, S., Goldhaber-Fiebert, J., Rolls Reutz, J., Horwitz, S. M. (2012). Design and analysis in dissemination and implementation research. In R. Brownson, G. Colditz, & E. Proctor (Eds.), Dissemination and implementation research in health: Translating science to practice (pp. 225–250). New York: Oxford University Press.
Raghavan, R., Brown, D.S., Allaire, B. T., Ross, R. E., & Landsverk, J. (2016). Associations between magnitude of child maltreatment and Medicaid expenditures for psychotropic medications. Psychiatric Services, 67(8), 916-919.