Based on Research Conducted at OSLC
The Parenting Inside Out® program, a nationally recognized cognitive-behavioral parenting skills training program grounded in OSLC’s Parent Management Training (PMT) program, is the only evidence-based parenting skills training program developed for parents involved in the criminal justice system.
Project Overview
The impact of incarceration on the parent-child relationship and the long-term economic, emotional, and emotional implications of having a parent in prison are well documented. According to 2010 data from the Pew Charitable Trusts, 1 in 28 children have a parent behind bars.
The Parenting Inside Out® program, a nationally recognized cognitive-behavioral parenting skills training program grounded in OSLC’s Parent Management Training (PMT) program, is the only evidence-based parenting skills training program developed for parents involved in the criminal justice system. PIO research conducted at OSLC has demonstrated positive impact on the lives children, families, and communities throughout the U.S.
Parenting Inside Out, developed in 2002 in collaboration with the Oregon Department of Corrections, has helped thousands of parents rebuild and strengthen their relationships with their children and families. The program has three objectives: 1) provide mothers and fathers with skills needed to parent during and after a prison sentence, 2) reduce recidivism by strengthening family connections, and 3) reduce intergenerational criminality. There are two versions, a prison version for both mothers and fathers who are parenting from prison, and a community version, for parents on parole or probation.
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