Based on Research Conducted at OSLC
A longitudinal study of 180 children and their families. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Relief Nursery in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan areas in Oregon.
Project Overview
This was a longitudinal study of 180 children and their families. The study was conducted in collaboration with the Relief Nursery in the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan areas in Oregon. The Relief Nursery program is an integrated array of individually responsive prevention services designed for families at high risk for child abuse and neglect. The multi-modal program, which includes therapeutic early childhood education, home visits, parent education classes and support groups, respite care, case management, and assistance to families in accessing basic resources and other community services, was established in 1976 in Eugene. During the study, families interested in the Relief Nursery program were randomly assigned to either the program or a respite care services-as-usual condition, and were invited to discuss the study with OSLC staff members. Interested families were then contacted by OSLC, introduced to the study, and invited to participate. Once participating in the study, parents/caregivers were invited to participate in regular interviews about child and family adjustment. The same number of children and families who would have received services from the Relief Nursery without the presence of the study received services during the course of the study.
Year Project Began: 2009Funder: Children’s Bureau, Administration on Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services