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Primary Research and Clinical Interests
In Memoriam
Beverly Fagot earned her doctorate in Developmental Psychology at the University of Oregon and worked at UO first in the Office of Academic Affairs and then as a professor in the Department of Psychology. In 1982, Bev became a research scientist at OSLC and continued to divide her time between OSLC and UO until her death in 1998. Throughout her career, she earned a prominent place in the field of developmental psychology. Bev conducted pioneering studies to uncover the effects of gender-typing pressure and to examine children’s understanding of gender. Additionally, at OSLC, she was the principal investigator of several long-term studies in which she examined how families influence the development of children’s behavior problems as well as the unique role of fathers in their children’s development.
Beyond her academic contributions to science, Bev was a beloved mentor to many students at both UO and OSLC. She provided unflagging support and guidance to students in a range of disciplines within psychology. One colleague described her as being an energetic and optimistic person who was almost always smiling. She was able to pass that enthusiasm for developmental psychology along to her students and contributed greatly to the careers of many future scientists.