Based on Research Conducted at OSLC
The Kids in Transition to School (KITS) in the Promise Neighborhoods project was a randomized efficacy trial of the KITS Program, an intervention to improve early literacy, prosocial and emotion and behavior regulation, with children from socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods.
Project Overview
This project was a randomized efficacy trial of the KITS Program, an intervention to improve early literacy, prosocial and emotion and behavior regulation domains of school readiness, with children from socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. The project extended the evidence on the efficacy of the intervention from two previous randomized efficacy trials of the KITS Program with special needs populations to examine the impacts of the intervention on the broader population of children from disadvantaged backgrounds in general education. Two hundred sixty-five children and their families were recruited into the project and randomly assigned to participate in the KITS Program or services as usual. Children and their families participated in assessments at four time points: spring prior to kindergarten, immediately prior to kindergarten entry, kindergarten fall, and kindergarten spring; a subsample of children were also assessed in the spring of first grade.
Year Project Began: 2012Funder: Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education